© Dylan W.H. Sung
English Hakka
table toi2
table zok5
table lamp toi2 den1
table leg toi2 giok5
table leg zok5 giok5
table top toi2 men4
tablecloth toi2 bu4
tail of an animal mui1
taiwan toi2 van1
take cu2
take ca1
take la1
take lo1
take a blood pressure da3 het5 at5
take a guess gu3 ha4
take a photograph yang3 siong4
take a pulse da3 het5 mak5
take an inventory diam3 su4
take apart cak5
take away gam3
take away cu2
take cover from the weather do3
take examinations kau3 si4
take extra lessons in a subject for exams bu3 ko1
take extra lessons in a subject for exams bu3 sit6
take for real dong4 zin1
take it to him lo1 bin1 gi2
take night classes da3 ya4 hok6
take notice of coi3
take notice of gat5
take notice of ki3
take notice of li1
take part in cam1
take part in cam1 ga1
take responsibility for fu4 dam1
talent coi2
talent ten1 coi2
talk gong3
talk sot5
tall gau1
tall gau1 ngai2 ngai2
taller and taller yet6 loi2 yet6 gau1
tang, chinese dynasty (618 - 907 AD) tong2
tangerine git5 zai3
tangerine git5
tantrum dun4 hi4
tap (n.) sui3 lung2 tiu2
tap (vb.) kau4
tape (magnetic tape for recording music) cong4 dai4
tape recorder cong4 dai4 gi1
taro vu4
taro vu4 tiu2
tassle sui1
taste a sample of food song2
tasting the flavour of food song2 mui4
tasty hau3 mui4 tau4
taunt liau2
taunt someone liau2 ngin2
tax free men1 soi4