© Dylan W.H. Sung
English Hakka
whale kim2 ng2
what ho2
what are you doing? ngi2 gun3 mak5 gai4?
what do you mean? mak5 gai4 ngien2 yin1?
what do you want? ngi2 oi4 mak5 gai4?
what is your honourable (surname) name? ngi2 gui4 siang4 a3?
what time is it now? gin1 ha4 git5 do1 diam3 zung1?
what would you like? ngi2 siong3 oi4 mai3?
what! (interjection) ha2-4
what? mak5 gai4?
what? mai3?
wheat mak6
wheat flour mien4 fun2
wheat flour men4 fun3
wheel luk5
when (classical chinese) ho2 si2
when a person shakes, he is of poor health ngin2 yau2 fuk5 pok6
when a tree shakes, its leaves fall su4 yau2 yap6 lok6
when? git5 si2?
whenever lai4 si2
where? coi1 lai4?
where? coi1 lai4 vui4?
where? coi1 lai4 tang4?
which is suk6 yi1
which one? lai4 zak5?
which ones? lai4 diu1?
whine (lit. noisy to the ears) cau2 ngi3
whisk (n.) fak5
whisk (vb.) fak5
whisper se4 sang1 gong3
whistle (a tune) da3 fu2 siu4
white pak6
white dew [sep 7th - 9th] pak6 lu4
white dew [sep 7th - 9th] pak6 lu4
white parsnip pak6 lo2 pet6
who? la4 ngin2?
who? la4 ha2 ngin2?
who? mai3 ngin2?
who? mak5 gai4 ngin2?
who? lai4 diu1 ngin2?
who? mai3 ngin2?
whole von2
why? zo4 mak5 gai4?