© Dylan W.H. Sung
English Hakka
wide fat5
widely spaced lau4
wife lau3 po2
wife's father zia3 gung1
wife's father ngok6 fu4
wife's father cong1 ngin1 lau3
wife's mother zia3 po2
wife's mother ngok6 mu1
wife's mother cong1 ngin1 po2
wife's parents zia3 gung1 zia3 po2
wiggle one's hands and feet su3 fak5 giok5 fak5
wild ya1
wild attitude kai2
wild boar san1 zu1
wildman ya1 ngin2
will not m1 hen3
willing hen3
willing ngien4
win yang2
win zung4
win a bet du1 yang2
win everything yang2 ciu1
win money yang2 cen2
wind fung1
wind (vb. - a crank handle) gau3
wind (vb. - a reel) yang1
window cung1 mun2
window cung1
window cung1 sa1
windy tai4 fung1
windy bot5 fung1
windy fat5 fung1
winner gon4 giun2
winning and losing yang2 dau1 su1
winter dung1
winter melon dung1 ga1
winter solstice [dec 21st - 23rd] dung1 zi4
winter solstice [dec 21st - 23rd] dung1 zi4
wipe mat5
wipe oneself after defecating bin3
with tung2
with dau1
with tung2 mai2
with lau1
with kiung4
with all one's efforts si3 miang4
with certainty gang3 tin4
with haste gon3 kai4
with intent yung4 sim1
withdraw ciam2
within coi1 du3 lui4
within a dream mung4 zung1
within reach sun4 su3
within the village vui2 tiu2
without any discipline mau2 gau4 yuk5