© Dylan W.H. Sung
Hakka English
ki1 district
ki1 region
ki1 stand up
ki1 steep
ki1 cia2 ki1 liang1 hilly
ki1 cia2 ki1 liang1 steep fields and steep ranges (i.e. hilly)
ki1 det5 gau2 mong4 det5 yen3 standing high and able to look far
ki1 fu4 bully by ridicule
ki1 fu4 look down on another with ridicule
ki1 fu4 ridicule someone
ki1 ngo2 penguin
ki2 chess
ki2 flag (n.)
ki2 period of time
ki2 ride (an animal)
ki2 strange
ki2 fu2 so long as
ki2 gai4 strange
ki2 lim4 cream
ki2 lin2 unicorn
ki2 ma1 ride astride a horse
ki2 sit6 in fact
ki3 take notice of
kiam1 doorstep
kiam2 pincers
kiam2 pliers
kiam2 zai3 pliers
kiam4 owe
kiang1 light
kiang4 thrifty
kiap6 narrow
kiap6 squeeze between two things
kiau1 die
kiau1 giok5 cross one's legs
kiau2 bridge
kiau2 stack up
kiau4 lever apart
kiau4 sedan chair carriage
kiau4 mun2 door to the sedan chair carriage
kiau4 mun2 force open a door with a crowbar
kim1 lo4 so4 less noticeable if soiled
kim2 guitar
kim2 lute
kim2 stringed instrument like a lute
kim2 ng2 whale
kim2 sa2 boa constrictor
kim4 press
kin1 discuss
kin1 gizzard
kin1 ge4 discuss ideas
kin2 hard working
kin2 lit6 hard working
kin4 celebrate
kin4 zuk5 celebrate
kio2 aubergine
kio2 eggplant
kio2 lame
kio2 zai3 aubergine
kioi4 tierd
kiong2 frame (n.)
kiong2 strong
kiong2 gan1 rape (forced sex)
kiong3 sui3 acid
kip5 hoover up
kip5 cin2 hoover up dust
kip5 cin2 gi1 hoover (n.)
kip5 cin2 gi1 vacuum cleaner
kip6 gak5 attains the grade
kiu1 uncle (mother's younger brother)
kiu1 gung1 great uncle (dad's mother's younger brother)
kiu1 gung1 great uncle (younger maternal)
kiu1 ngiong2 aunt (mother's younger brother's wife)
kiu1 po2 great aunt (dad's mother's y. brother's wife)
kiu1 po2 great aunt (dad's mother's younger sister)
kiu1 zai3 uncle (mother's younger brother)
kiu2 crouch
kiu2 squat down
kiu2 cong2 basketball court
kiu4 old
kiu4 cin4 si2 in the past
kiu4 ngien2 last year
kiuk5 bent
kiuk5 fa1 chrysantheum
kiuk6 establishment (n.)
kiun1 near
kiun2 classifier for crowds of people
kiun2 coi4 chinese celery
kiung2 impoverished
kiung2 poor
kiung4 together
kiung4 with
kiung4 can3 dong3 communist party