Hakka | English |
li1 | ceremony |
li1 | chinese mile |
li1 | gift |
li1 | manage |
li1 | mile |
li1 | take notice of |
li1 bai4 | sunday |
li1 bai4 | week |
li1 bai4 liuk5 | saturday |
li1 bai4 luk5 | saturday |
li1 bai4 ng3 | friday |
li1 bai4 ngi4 | tuesday |
li1 bai4 ngit5 | sunday |
li1 bai4 sam1 | wednesday |
li1 bai4 si4 | thursday |
li1 bai4 tien1 | sunday |
li1 bai4 yit5 | monday |
li1 gung1 | ant |
li1 ma2 | carp |
li1 ng2 | carp |
li1 vut6 | gift |
li1 vut6 | present (n.) |
li2 | donkey |
li2 | leave (vb.) |
li2 | pear |
li2 fun1 | divorce |
li2 gu1 | nun |
li2 gu1 ma2 | nun |
li2 gu3 ma2 | nun |
li2 lung2 | nylon |
li2 zai3 | donkey |
li3 | plum |
li3 zai3 | plum |
li4 | filling (satiated feeling) |
li4 | interest (on money and savings) |
li4 | sharp |
li4 | tongue (used as food from animals) |
li4 cet6 cet6 | full and satiated (after eating) |
liak6 | clever |
liak6 go4 fang4 | overextend cleverness into stupidity |
liam2 | scythe |
liam3 | dry |
liang1 | collar (of a shirt) |
liang1 su4 gon3 | embassy (diplomatic mission) |
liang2 | accurately predicted |
liang4 | beautiful |
liang4 | pretty |
liang4 go4 fang4 | surpass all notions of beauty into repulsiveness |
liap5 | flickery of flames |
liap5 | get stuck in a crevice |
liap5 nga2 | stuck between the teeth |
liap6 | hunting (n.) |
liau1 | moving with the tongue around the mouth |
liau2 | coop (n.) |
liau2 | taunt |
liau2 ngin2 | taunt someone |
liau4 | ingredients |
liau4 | pass the time |
liau4 | spend time in the company of others |
liau4 dau4 si3 fut5 ben3 | lazy (waste time in doing nothing) |
liau4 men1? | how? |
lien2 fa1 | lotus flower |
lien2 liu1 | lotus root |
lien2 ngiu1 | lotus root |
lien2 sam1 | sew |
lim2 | forest |
lim2 | pour onto |
lin1 | fish scales |
lin2 | neighbour |
lin2 | peace |
lin2 mung3 | lemon |
lin2 sa4 | neighbours |
lin3 | penis |
lin3 si3 | smegma |
lin4 | command |
liong1 | ounce |
liong2 | classifier for ladders |
liong2 | classifier for some types of tools |
liong2 | cool |
liong2 | food |
liong2 | good |
liong2 | main beam |
liong2 | measure out |
liong2 hai2 | sandles |
liong3 | two |
liong3 cu4 | twice |
liong3 diam3 | two o'clock |
liong3 diam3 zung1 | two o'clock |
liong3 zak5 du1 | both |
liong3 zung3 | two types |
liong4 | amount |
liong4 ben1 gong3? | how come? |
liong4 ben1 gong3? | how do you explain? |
liong4 ben1? | how? |
liong4 men1? | how? |
lip5 | classifier for tablets and pills |
lip5 ma2 | straw hat |
lip5 ma2 sok5 | straw hat string straps |
lip6 | elevator |
lip6 | stand |
lip6 ciu1 | beginning of autumn [aug 7th - 9th] |
lip6 ciu1 | beginning of autumn [aug 7th - 9th] |
lip6 cun1 | beginning of spring [feb 3rd - 5th] |
lip6 cun1 | beginning of spring [feb 3rd - 5th] |
lip6 dung1 | beginning of winter [nov 7th - 8th] |
lip6 dung1 | beginning of winter [nov 7th - 8th] |
lip6 ha4 | beginning of summer [may 5th - 7th] |
lip6 ha4 | beginning of summer [may 5th - 7th] |
liu1 | coax |
liu2 | apartment |
liu2 | building |
liu2 | flow |
liu2 | remain (vb.) |
liu2 ha4 | downstairs |
liu2 hiu3 sui3 | salivate |
liu2 len2 | durian |
liu2 lien2 | durian |
liu2 pi4 het5 | nosebleed |
liu2 sin1 | meteor |
liu2 toi1 | staircase |
liu2 toi1 | stairs |
liu2 yi4 | be careful |
liu2 yi4 | notice the situation |
liu3 | button (vb.) |
liu3 | buttons on clothes |
liu3 liu3 | button up |
liu3 zai3 | buttons on clothes |
liu4 | coax |
liu4 | leak |
liu4 sui3 | leaking water |
liuk5 | six |
liuk5 bak5 | six hundred |
liuk5 diam3 | six o'clock |
liuk5 diam3 zung1 | six o'clock |
liuk5 ngiet6 | june |
liuk5 ngiet6 | sixth lunar month |
liuk5 sip6 | sixty |
liuk5 sip6 bat5 | sixty eight |
liuk5 sip6 cit5 | sixty seven |
liuk5 sip6 giu3 | sixty nine |
liuk5 sip6 liuk5 | sixty six |
liuk5 sip6 ng3 | sixty five |
liuk5 sip6 ngi4 | sixty two |
liuk5 sip6 sam2 | sixty three |
liuk5 sip6 si4 | sixty four |
liuk5 sip6 yit5 | sixty one |
liung2 | dragon |
liung2 ha1 | lobster |
liung2 li4 | sole fish |
liung2 ngan3 | dragon eye |