© Dylan W.H. Sung
Hakka English
ng2 fish
ng2 gung1 cung2 centipede
ng2 gut5 fishbone
ng3 daughter
ng3 five
ng3 push
ng3 bak5 five hundred
ng3 cien1 five thousand
ng3 diam3 five o'clock
ng3 diam3 zung1 five o'clock
ng3 fun4 zu1 ngi4 two fifths
ng3 fun4 zu1 sam1 three fifths
ng3 fun4 zu1 si4 four fifths
ng3 fun4 zu1 yit5 one fifth
ng3 ngiet6 fifth lunar month
ng3 ngiet6 may
ng3 sip6 fifty
ng3 sip6 bat5 fifty eight
ng3 sip6 cit5 fifty seven
ng3 sip6 giu3 fifty nine
ng3 sip6 liuk5 fifty six
ng3 sip6 luk5 fifty six
ng3 sip6 ng3 fifty five
ng3 sip6 ngi4 fifty two
ng3 sip6 sam1 fifty three
ng3 sip6 si4 fifty four
ng3 sip6 yit5 fifty one
ng3 toi4 five dynasties - dynastic era (907 - 960 AD)
nga1 my
nga1 diu1 we
nga1 diu1 gai4 our
nga1 diu1 gei4 ours
nga1 gai4 my
nga2 teeth
nga2 tooth
nga2 cat5 tooth brush
nga2 gau1 toothpaste
nga2 lan2 tiu4 mangetout
nga2 ngiuk5 gums
nga2 sa4 sa4 teeth protruding out
nga2 si1 si1 showing teeth and smiling
nga2 tung4 toothache
nga2 ziau1 banana
nga2 ziau1 ngiuk5 gums
nga3 tile
nga3 zai3 tile
nga4 unwanted presence (vb.)
ngai2 i_
ngai2 me
ngai2 diu1 we
ngam1 correct
ngam1 right (correct)
ngam2 cancer (illness)
ngam2 nagging
ngam3 nod
ngam3 tiu2 shake one's head (to indicate "yes")
ngan1 small
ngan2 run over something
ngan2 set5 colour
ngan3 classifier for needles
ngan3 eye
ngan3 eyeball
ngan3 kioi4 sleepy
ngan3 kiu2 eyeball
ngan3 luk5 luk5 stare
ngan3 mau1 eyelash
ngan3 mi2 eyebrow
ngan3 si3 eye mucus (dried)
ngan3 vai1 see something and desiring it greedily
ngan3 zu1 yin2 pupil of the eye
ngan4 land
ngang4 hard
ngang4 kui4 deep freeze refrigerator
ngap5 step
ngap6 blurt
ngap6 blurt something out
ngat5 zai3 midges
ngau1 bite
ngau2 bent
ngau2 hoi1 mun2 not on good terms with someone
ngi2 you
ngi2 gui4 siang4 a3? what is your honourable (surname) name?
ngi2 gun3 mak5 gai4? what are you doing?
ngi2 oi4 mak5 gai4? what do you want?
ngi2 siong3 oi4 mai3? what would you like?
ngi3 ear
ngi3 female
ngi3 git5 ear
ngi3 kung1 ear hole
ngi3 ngin2 woman
ngi3 si3 ear wax
ngi3 si3 earwax
ngi3 vong2 queen
ngi4 meet
ngi4 two
ngi4 bak5 two hundred
ngi4 cien1 two thousand
ngi4 den3 second class
ngi4 den3 second grade
ngi4 ngiet6 february
ngi4 ngiet6 second lunar month
ngi4 sip6 twenty
ngi4 sip6 bat5 twenty eight
ngi4 sip6 cit5 twenty seven
ngi4 sip6 giu3 twenty nine
ngi4 sip6 liuk5 twenty six
ngi4 sip6 luk5 twenty six
ngi4 sip6 ng3 twenty five
ngi4 sip6 ngi4 twenty two
ngi4 sip6 sam1 twenty three
ngi4 sip6 si4 twenty four
ngi4 sip6 van4 two hundred thousand
ngi4 sip6 yit5 twenty one
ngi4 sut6 art
ngi4 ziong3 second prize
ngia1 irritate someone
ngia1 provoke
ngia1 your
ngia1 diu1 you (pl.)
ngia1 diu1 gai4 your (pl.)
ngia1 gai4 your
ngia1 gai4 yours
ngia4 raise aloft
ngiak5 mun2 tiu2 forehead
ngiam1 pick up with fingers
ngiam1 pinch
ngiam1 hi3 pick up with fingers
ngiam2 stick (vb.)
ngiam2 vong2 god of the chinese spirit underworld
ngiap5 dented
ngiau1 ngiau1 ngiau3 ngiau3 hi4 go willy nilly
ngiau4 piss (n.)
ngiau4 urine
ngiau4 cut5 wanting to urinate
ngiau4 gon3 urethra
ngien2 year
ngien2 gi3 age (n.)
ngien2 lang2 age (n.)
ngien2 loi2 originally
ngien2 zu3 bit5 inkpen
ngien3 squeeze
ngien4 willing
ngiet6 hot
ngiet6 month
ngiet6 moon
ngiet6 fun4 pai2 calendar
ngiet6 gong1 moon
ngiet6 tiu2 month
ngim4 ho2 any
ngin2 min2 bi4 renminbi (yuan, Chinese currency)
ngin2 yau2 fuk5 pok6 when a person shakes, he is of poor health
ngin4 sit5 acquint
ngiok6 weak
ngion1 soft
ngiong2 aunt (older paternal uncle's wife)
ngiong3 shake (vb.)
ngiong3 ngiong3 zun1 shivering
ngiong4 ben1? how?
ngiong4 bien1? how?
ngiong4 jiu3 brew wine
ngip5 hold in (said bowel movements)
ngip6 twenty (abbreviated form (for numbers 21 to 29)
ngip6 bat5 twenty eight
ngip6 cit5 twenty seven
ngip6 fo3 homewarming
ngip6 fo3 moving in day
ngip6 giu3 twenty nine
ngip6 hiu3 entry
ngip6 liuk5 twenty six
ngip6 luk5 twenty six
ngip6 ng3 twenty five
ngip6 ngi4 twenty two
ngip6 sam1 twenty three
ngip6 si4 twenty four
ngip6 yit5 twenty one
ngit5 day
ngit5 sun
ngit5 bun3 japan
ngit5 lak6 solar calendar
ngit5 ngiet6 sun and moon
ngit5 tiu2 sun
ngit5 tiu2 lok6 gong1 dusk
ngit5 tiu2 yit5 hi3 dawn
ngiu2 cow
ngiu2 gu3 bull
ngiu2 lai1 milk
ngiu2 lan2 cattle shed
ngiu2 ma2 cow
ngiu2 yiu2 butter
ngiu4 move around
ngiu4 go4 loi2 move to face this position
ngiuk5 meat
ngiuk5 son1 ugly
ngiuk6 di4 supreme god of the chinese pantheon
ngiun2 ho2 milky way
ngiun4 tough
ngo2 goose
ngo2 lo2 su1 russia
ngoi4 outside
ngoi4 sang1 grandchildren (daughter's children)
ngoi4 sang1 grandson (daughter's son)
ngoi4 sang1 nephew (sister's son)
ngoi4 sang1 ngi3 granddaughter (daughter's daughter)
ngoi4 sang1 ngi3 niece (sister's daughter)
ngok6 fu4 wife's father
ngok6 mu1 wife's mother
ngok6 ng2 alligator
ngok6 ng2 crocodile
ngui2 hiam3 dangerous