© Dylan W.H. Sung
Hakka English
su1 accept
su1 book
su1 facial hair
su1 private
su1 bau1 school satchel
su1 ciam1 bookmark
su1 diam4 bookshop
su1 ga1 private
su1 gak5 lan2 scotland
su1 kui4 bookshelf
su1 mat5 tights (stockings)
su1 pau2 shaver (for facial hair)
su1 song1 recieve injuries
su1 tiau2 reciept
su1 vun2 refined
su1 yim1 gi1 radio
su1 yong1 adopt
su1 zi3 gap5 fingernail
su1 zu3 lion
su2 grievance
su2 potato
su2 tiau2 chips, french fries
su2 zai3 potato
su3 hand
su3 head
su3 use
su3 ak5 bracelet
su3 au3 inner elbow
su3 ba1 zong3 palm (of the hand)
su3 bi4 arm
su3 fak5 giok5 fak5 wiggle one's hands and feet
su3 ngan3 wrist knob (of ulna bone)
su3 siong4 prime minister
su3 von3 wrist
su3 zang1 elbow
su3 zang1 gok5 elbow
su3 zi3 finger (n.)
su3 zi3 gung1 thumb
su3 zi3 mu2 fingerprint
su3 zi3 mui1 fingertip
su4 character
su4 count
su4 tree
su4 word
su4 a1 fork in the branch of a tree
su4 bo1 lo2 jackfruit
su4 bui4 generation name
su4 den3 dictionary
su4 hok6 mathematics
su4 lim2 forest
su4 ma1 number
su4 mu2 digit
su4 mu2 letter of an alphabet
su4 yau2 yap6 lok6 when a tree shakes, its leaves fall
sui1 tassle
sui1 yen2 although
sui3 water
sui3 bin1 sailor (military)
sui3 cau2 sink (n.)
sui3 dai1 low tide
sui3 gon3 waterpipe
sui3 gu4 water reservoir
sui3 gui1 turtle
sui3 hai2 wellington boots
sui3 hiu2 hosepipe
sui3 lai2 cement
sui3 lit6 water power
sui3 lung2 tiu2 tap (n.)
sui3 ngiu2 water buffulo
sui3 ngiun2 mercury (metal)
sui3 pau1 blister
sui3 pau1 bubbles in liquid
sui3 pin2 level of a horizontal plane
sui3 pun2 sink (n.)
sui3 sin1 mercury (planet)
sui3 yi1 raincoat
sui3 zin1 crystal
sui3 zin1 sak5 crystal
sui3 zong4 high tide
sui4 broken into pieces
sui4 den1 sweden
sui4 mi3 broken rice
sui4 su4 switzerland
suk5 retract
suk5 shrink
suk5 uncle (younger paternal)
suk5 bak5 hiung1 ti5 paternal clan cousins
suk5 gung1 great uncle (younger paternal)
suk5 me1 aunt (younger paternal uncle's wife)
suk5 po2 great aunt (younger paternal aunt's husband)
suk5 se4 abbreviate
suk5 se4 shrink
suk5 se4 shrink smaller
suk5 sui3 shrink
suk5 tiu2 vu1 gui1 coward (like a tortoise who retracts its head)
suk6 cooked
suk6 redeem
suk6 ripe
suk6 well acquainted
suk6 hak5 good customer who always comes back
suk6 tiu4 thoroughly cooked
suk6 yi1 which is
sun1 grandchildren
sun1 grandchildren (son's children)
sun1 ng3 granddaughter (son's daughter)
sun1 se4 grand-son-in-law (son's daughter's husband)
sun1 sim1 kiu1 grand-daughter-in-law (son's son's wife)
sun1 tsu1 grandson (son's son)
sun2 keep
sun2 save
sun3 sore abraision
sun3 sit5 cost of expenditure
sun4 broth
sun4 convenient
sun4 dai4 at the same time
sun4 hi4 temper appeased
sun4 hiu2 goes down the throat smoothly (alcholic drinks)
sun4 su3 within reach
sung1 classifier for pairs of objects
sung1 loose
sung1 hi3 double happiness (a blessing for weddings)
sung1 su3 ziap5 recieve with both hands
sung1 su4 even numbers
sung1 tung2 mong4 yen3 giang4 binoculars
sung4 give
sung4 send
sung4 song, chinese dynasty (960 - 1279 AD)
sut6 zip up
sut6 sam1 shirt