© Dylan W.H. Sung
Hakka English
va4 say
va4 say
va4 tell
vai1 greedy
vak5 poke at
vak6 fa4 paint pictures
van1 bay or inlet
van1 curve
van2 return (after borrowing it)
van2 su3 react to physical provocation
van3 hang
van4 ten thousand
van4 ngin2 van4 siong4 a_myriad of people a myriad visages
van4 yit5 eleven thousand
van4 yit5 cien1 eleven thousand
vang2 horizontal
vang2 coi2 gain wealth without direct intention
vang4 fall over
vang4 zon4 fall over
vat6 become loose and fallen off
vat6 slippery
vat6 smooth
vat6 liu3 loose a button
vat6 tut6 tut6 smooth and slippery