© Dylan W.H. Sung
Hakka English
za1 classifier for clumps of items
za1 cover
za1 dregs
za1 hold in the hand
za1 umbrella
za1 biang4 umbrella handle
za1 lai1 hand milking
za1 sai4 ken2 hold absolute control over
za3 particle modifies a noun or verb to form actor
za4 deep fry
za4 explode
za4 pretend
za4 sugarcane
za4 si3 die by being blown up in an explosion
za4 si3 pretend to be dead
za4 so2 pan4 den1 act stupid and crazy to fool someone
za4 so2 pan4 den1 pretend
zai1 vegetarian (food)
zai1 coi4 vegetarian food
zai4 again
zai4 ha4 zak5 li1 bai4 the week after next
zai4 ha4 zak5 sin1 ki2 the week after next
zak5 classifier for people
zak5 classifier for things in general
zak5 crushed beneath something or someone
zak5 pick fruit or plants
zak5 ban4 one and a half
zak5 coi4 pick plants or vegetables
zak5 si3 crushed to death
zam1 ha4 ngan3 in the blinking of an eye
zam1 mi3 rice which is not glutinous
zam3 chop
zan3 classifier for lamps
zan3 classifier for light fittings
zang1 fight for something
zang1 owe
zang1 stick up for
zang1 cen2 owe money
zang1 ngiet6 first lunar month
zang1 sit6 fight for food
zang4 yell out
zang4 miang4 yell out
zang4 sen1 a_moment ago
zap5 fold
zap6 clear up
zap6 ce2 gather up
zap6 lap6 close down a business
zau1 dry
zau1 morning
zau1 welcome
zau1 fu1 welcome and take care of guests
zau1 sin2 tiu2 morning
zau3 claws
zau3 early
zau3 early
zau3 dit6 earlier
zau3 dit6? sooner
zau3 su4 pay for
zau4 classifier for grates
zau4 fireplace
zau4 shine on
zau4 ... gong3 according to ....
zau4 ngan3 dazzle
zau4 tiu2 fireplace